onsdag 31 oktober 2007

NYC: No Photography Permits!

Image Copyright ©Tewfic El-Sawy -All Rights Reserved

New York City has now given up on its ill-thought out attempt to to rein in street photographers, videographers, and independent filmmakers by dropping regulations that would have regulated capturing public images of the city. New York will now allow photographers and filmmakers to operate without a permit as long as they don't prevent use of public spaces or obstruct more than half of pedestrian walkways.

The original (ludicrous) permit plan called for a required $1 million insurance bond for photographers who planned on using a tripod in a single spot for 30 minutes, or ten minutes if filming involved five people or more.

So back to the streets...and photograph away! The weather in New York City is forecasted to be beautiful for a few days...so what are we waiting for?

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